Embark on an unforgettable 9-day Mediterranean adventure from Barcelona aboard the stunning Crystal Symphony, packed with many entertainment options, restaurants and luxurious amenities. The cruise is set to depart in October, allowing guests to immerse themselves in some of the most iconic European destinations. Bask in the vibrant energy of Barcelona before journeying to Palma de Mallorca, Spain, where you can marvel at Renaissance architecture. Next, France welcomes you with the charm of Port Vendres. Breathe in the aroma of fresh seafood, explore the town's history, or unwind on picture-perfect beaches. Enjoy a stop at & discover Calvi, Corsica – a jewel in the French Mediterranean, following which Monte Carlo in Monaco awaits with its undeniable glamour. You can then relax in the verdant surroundings of Tuscany, where you will spend two glorious days. Discover hidden gems, wander museums, or relax in the idyllic Tuscan hills. Your unforgettable adventure concludes in Rome, Italy, where you can return home with many fabulous memories of this epic cruise adventure.
This cruise will sail on 28 October 2024.
Sapphire Ocean View Suite
From30000 SAR