
Discover unmatched value with Almosafer Points

You can now convert your preferred loyalty points for Almosafer Points and vice versa on Almosafer.

How does it work?

Add to Almosafer Points

Turn your preferred loyalty points into Almosafer points, and use them to unlock greater value, flexibility, and personalised travel experiences.


Transfer Almosafer Points

Convert Almosafer points to your preferred loyalty programme's point. Expand your options and customise rewards to your preference.

mokafaa-logo mokafaa-logo

Add and transfer Almosafer Points

Step 1

Select 'Add Almosafer Points to your wallet'

Step 2

Choose the loyalty program

Step 3

Add your conversion details

Step 4

Enter the OTP and confirm the conversion.

  • The points will then be converted to Almosafer Points and added to your Wallet.
  • Once the process is complete, the transaction cannot be reversed.

Step 1

Select 'Transfer your Almosafer Points'

Step 2

Choose the loyalty programme

Step 3

Add your conversion details

Step 4

Enter the OTP and confirm the conversion.

  • The Almosafer Points will then be converted to the selected programme's loyalty points.
  • Once the process is complete, the transaction cannot be reversed.

Terms and conditions

  • Points can be added and transferred on the KSA version of the Almosafer app and website.
  • You must have the latest version of the Almosafer app and be signed in to be able to use your Wallet.
  • Only users with verified accounts can use the Wallet.
  • You can transfer Almosafer Points to the participating programmes’ reward points.
  • You can add Almosafer Points from the participating programmes’ reward points.
  • You must be enrolled in those programmes to be eligible to add or transfer Almosafer Points.
  • Eligible Almosafer Points in your wallet can be used to pay for Almosafer services, either fully or partially. Points awarded for promotional purposes are not eligible for transfer out of the Wallet.
  • Almosafer is not responsible for errors in point transfers caused by inaccurate details provided by the user. Once a transfer is initiated, it may not be reversible.
  • Transferred points should show up in your Wallet within 2-3 hours. If not, email us at support@almosafer.com.
  • Each loyalty programme has minimum value and increment requirements for transferring points. Please check these before transferring.
  • For cancelled or refunded bookings, points will be returned within 10 business days.
  • Transferred points cannot be refunded or exchanged for cash.
  • Almosafer Points won't be earned on refunded, cancelled, or invalid transactions. Misuse or violation of terms may result in account closure and loss of points. Transaction details may be shared for verification.
  • Almosafer is not responsible for issues with partner programs or lost points due to programme failures.
  • The user is responsible for ensuring that the recipient’s email address and any other required details for completing the transfer of Points are entered accurately.
  • Other Almosafer Points T&Cs apply. See our Terms & Conditions and FAQs for more information.